A 30 year old gentleman presented with complaints of bilateral loin pain with passage of blood per urine.

On investigating it was found that he was having a 5 mm calculus ( stone) in right upper ureter and a 13 mm calculus in left kidney .

Patient was posted for surgery on 12 th of May, 2023 evening . The entire surgery was done endoscopically with LASER( Right URS LASER f/b left PCNL) . Complete stone clearence was achieved. Entire procedure was completed in 1 hour with minimal blood loss.

Patient resumed feeding from midnight of 12 th May,2023.
Catheter was removed on 13 th May,2023 and patient discharged on 14 th May 2023. early morning. The Dj stents in situ were removed after 1 week .

With the advent of LASER and endoscopic surgery ( URS/PCNL/ RIRS) management of renal stones has become simpler with less pain , less duration of hospitalisation and early return to activity.

Dr Debayan Banerjee


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